Cyber Security Testing for Employees

The biggest weakness to your business is your team!

Our tests

We create the tests.

We currently have over 75 different styles of phishing/spoofing emails that are designed to look and feel real.  We are always building new templates to keep up with the latest real-world scams. These may tempt your team to click on them and try to enter their details, much like a real scam email would.


This is how we deliver.

We will send your entire workforce some of our harmless spoof emails every month. This will test their perception and care, based on whether they open, click, or enter any details. If they do, they will be met with an error page explaining that they have failed the test, and then prompted to watch a short training video.  After completion of the video, they will have to take a short quiz ensuring they have watched the video and understood the training.  As long as they score over 80% they can continue with their work. 

How does our Cyber Security Testing Work?

email fake spam email

Step 1

Your employees receive an email

We send your employees a simulated spam email once a month to test their knowledge and awareness of spotting scams.

[While our emails won't cause any harm to your devices, they do look incredibly convincing.

How many employees fell for the spam attack

Step 2

Team members who fall for the 'scam'

We find out what percentage of your employees have fallen for this email. This shows who within your team needs additional training to ensure the same does not occur when it comes to legitimate scams.

All workplaces can continuously evolve and grow by utilising team training.

Video training sent to employees

Step 3

Your employees begin training

All employees who have not passed the test must complete a training exercise.

This is provided by us to ensure they can spot these emails in future.

Knowledge about cybercrime protects your business against harm. This process is then repeated on a monthly basis for all employees.

The benefits of consistent cyber security testing


Increased Vigilance

Constant vigilance about cyber threats is half the battle in stopping your team clicking harmful links or downloading malicious content.

Increased awareness

Increased Awareness

Your team needs to understand the different threats. Tthis can prepare them to act cautiously when browsing websites and communicating with people they have no prior relationship with.

Secuirty vigilance

Increased Security

Your team will feel more secure knowing they have consistent testing and training. This could prevent them from becoming compromised in the future.

Join now to ensure your business is protected!

Questions & Answers

What is Team Cyber Security Testing?

Your team will receive the following training:

1. A different monthly training video sent via email. You will get a monthly report to see who has completed the training.

2. Access to the complete range of videos for individual team members. This can be useful to build into your induction process.

Does company size matter when it comes to team cyber testing?

Testing is focused on the individual. Any business, regardless of whether you are a sole trader or have numerous branches, should be testing their individual cyber awareness and knowledge.

Why do employees need to be tested for cyber awareness?

Legally, this testing isn't a requirement. However, data breaches as a result of poor employee knowledge could result in some serious trouble. 

Cyber threats are an everyday occurrence, so if they teams know they will be tested at any point, they stay much more vigilant. This is key to why cyber awareness testing is so important. Individuals need to not only consider if and when a test email may arrive, but also if and when a malicious email will enter their inbox.

How does team testing work?

Firstly, cyber awareness in itself is critical. Even ensuring your team is made aware of these risks can be a big step.

We will send out a phishing email to all of your team (including you!) every month.. This is because all members of your company, from general staff right up to managers and owners, present a level of risk when it comes to cyber threats.

We will then monitor to see if there is any actions or clicks on the email.  If any individual does interact with the email, they will be informed they have failed the phishing simulation. It is then imperative that they watch a short video and complete a brief quiz to compound their knowledge.

Does it matter how many employees I have?

Any individual may pose a risk to email scams. Therefore, you should consider testing your existing knowledge of cyber security regardless of company size.

How often do you run the cyber simulations?

We usually recommend once a month,  This figure was calculated based on feedback from our existing clients. They felt weekly was too much and every other month wasn't enough.

We can adjust the frequency of emails depending on your needs and requirements.